Fantastic SIAMS Report for Alburgh with Denton CofE Primary Academy
February 14, 2024
Following an inspection on 25th January 2024, Alburgh with Denton CofE Primary Academy received a wonderful report from the Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS).

Headteacher Leigh Goodhew pictured with St Benet's CEO, Richard Cranmer

Alburgh with Denton Church of England Primary Academy

Headteacher Leigh Goodhew with pupils who spoke with the SIAMS Inspector

Year 6 pupils planning a Collective Worship

Year 6 pupils delivering a Collective Worship

The report was a glowing endorsement of the school’s strong Christian vision and ethos. Quotes from the report include:
“The meaningful, relevant Christian vision inspires the school community at Alburgh with Denton to flourish and grow.”
“Underpinning this are carefully selected values of hope, forgiveness and justice. The vision is integral to daily life and the strategic direction of the school.”
“Leaders equip pupils in this small school to be inquisitive, confident citizens. Everyone is motivated to work together and are well supported and nurtured in this inclusive environment.”
“Dedicated leaders ensure all opportunities to broaden learning are taken. In this nurturing school individuals feel cared for.”
Headteacher Leigh Goodhew commented:
“Our aim is to enable every person in our school community, whether child or adult, to flourish and be the best person they can be. This very positive report clearly shows that this is lived and breathed in our school and I am incredibly proud of the outcome.”
“It is lovely that our vision and values have been so clearly seen in our school. We have great relationships with our parents, a fantastic hard-working team of staff, excellent supportive church links and wonderful enquiring pupils, which was epitomised when the inspector said that excellent relationships bind the school together.”